Procrasti….Blog Writing????

2012-01-15 16.36.10So I’m guessing everybody heard all of this talk about procrastinating, procasti-cleaning, procasti-baking…the list goes on. Well currently I have assignments, weekly tasks, readings running out of my…. i mean piling up around me and there doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day let alone a light at the end of the tunnel. So in the spirit of procrastination I thought i’d just ‘Procrasti-blogwrite’ rather than actually do some work. Currently in the distance i can hear some procrasti-tabletennis and procrasti-pool or maybe they are just on a study break. Whatever you call it, procrastination is a problem that everyone deals with, even the SALs. Sometimes, though there comes a time where you just have to take a good hard look at yourself, tell yourself that study is actually more important than cleaning the gap between the fridge and the cupboard and just do some study. Now that’s off my chest its time to procrasti-study!!!!


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