Emma’s Weekly Haiku: Week 1

RyanEmma Foster - ASK Blog PicThis post is so special it needs an introduction.

For those who aren’t aware, each PASS Leader writes at least two blog posts a semester: one on study skills and one on whatever they want. When I was on the ASK desk in O-Week, dehydrated and possibly suffering from heatstroke, Emma came up —a redheaded beacon of procrastination — and started discussing her blog posts. Actually, she discussed way more than that, but the conversation somehow wound its way towards the blog posts at some point. Or maybe we started talking about haiku first. I don’t remember. I was dehydrated. All you need to know is that haiku and blog posts ended up in the same conversation.

After I left and Emma went back to procrastinating over her summer school assignment, she was hit with a flash of inspiration. Blinded by genius, she proceeded to generate a series of haikus (Haiku? What’s the plural of haiku?) so exquisite, so full of raw emotion and creative genius, that she sent them to me immediately (and still didn’t work on her assignment). I don’t know if she intended for them to be published (she certainly didn’t intend for that bio she sent me to be published, but I published it anyway). I don’t even know if you can handle the sheer ferocity of their power. If you’re not prepared to gaze deeply into the human soul, then read no further. For, without further ado, I present Emma’s Weekly Haiku:

Week One

Ryan works in CLIPP

Master of the sarcastic


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