As the end of semester approaches I’m sure you’ve started to think about your exams. You may or may not have noticed that, before the exams begin, there is a week in between week 12 and the beginning of the exam period. Before you get too excited and start planning to fill your week with all the fun things you have been missing out on during the semester, I thought I might give you a little insight into what this week is for. Continue reading SWOTVAC

Bella’s 10 Helpful Tips to Success: Sitting an Exam with Less Stress!

Bellas FaceAfter over seven years of sitting exams, I thought I’d share my experience through little tips and tricks you may find useful!

1. Study. It may sound simple, and I can hear you thinking “duhhhh” but the best way to be the least stressed before an exam is to prepare correctly! My tips: Continue reading Bella’s 10 Helpful Tips to Success: Sitting an Exam with Less Stress!

SWOTVAC and Exams

SWOTVAC and exams

Hello FedUni Friends, are you feeling it in the air?

Yep…I feel it too, SWOTVAC and exams are upon us!

You can almost smell the anticipation and stress as you walk around campus. Well, at any rate, you can smell it at my house.

Like most students, my housemates and I are gearing up for the exam period. After three years of uni you would think we’d have mastered this time of semester, but hey, we are only human.

So in light of the looming SWOTVAC week and exams, we have put together some tips that have helped us survive the past three years.

Continue reading SWOTVAC and Exams

Revision Tactics for Exams

LilyHello friends! Now it is the end of the semester, and final exams are coming! Are you excited? Well, I am, because this is my last semester at uni! I have successfully survived five semesters of exams, and only need one more semester to unlock the “Graduation” achievement.

Retrieved from http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/35xsry
Retrieved from http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/35xsry

Continue reading Revision Tactics for Exams

Exam Relief with Kittens (and a polar bear)!

Study driving you crazy? Exams got you spinning out of control? I have just the thing to make it better: an inordinate amount of CAT EXAM MEMES! Emergency kittens go!

Kitten 1

Kitten 9

Kitten 8

Kitten 7

Kitten 6

Kitten 5

Kitten 4

Kitten 3

Kitten 2

Polar bear


– Tegan












Leaving it to the last minute

BecUniversity sometimes can seem like everything is going so smoothly. You’re organised, you have done most of your assignments and you are feeling oh so, great! You’re thinking ‘why not treat myself to a well-deserved study break?’ So you decide to sit back, relax and zone out from university’s study stressors. That one-day break quickly turns into two, then three, and before you know it, it has been a week and you have started to panic. That annoying, loud sarcastic voice in your head rings like an alarm telling you, ‘you’re doomed!’ Your cortisol levels rise and you are now in full stress mode! You begin to panic and those exams that have seemed so far away are right around the corner. What are you going to do?

I, Bec, am writing this blog so all of you who thought that exams were ages away and are suddenly remembering about that assignment that is due tomorrow, can get back on track to passing. I have come up with a set of rules that will reassure you that it is not too late to start getting your study back on track and making sure that the nerve-racking click to view your grades at the end of semester isn’t so daunting.

Here’s how!

Rule one. Stop stressing! A little bit of stress is ok, but overdo it and you will just get sick. So take breaks from study (not week-long ones!). Study for an hour, or what works for you, then go for a jog, paint a picture, watch a T.V. show or do whatever you want, as long as it is not study. If you overdo it and make no time for breaks it is just not going to work. Unless that does work for you. Then keep on keeping on.

Rule two. Make a timetable. I know you probably hear this all the time from all your lecturer’s and people who just want to lecture you, but seriously it works! All you have to do is get a piece of paper or whiteboard (my weapon of choice) rule out some lines and make an individual box for your days. You can choose to study an hour for one subject, have a break then study for something else. Having a timetable is great because you can follow things that have been set and it can help with making designated times for breaks so you don’t get bored.

Rule three. Change how you study. Repeating the ways you study can get boring, tiring and even make you stop studying altogether because you’ve simply lost interest. Be sure that one study session is different to the other. For example, you might use cue cards and test yourself with friends for one, and for the next one you can teach someone about what you need to know. By teaching someone else in your own words it helps reinforce the information in your head, so when it comes to that exam question, you’ll ace it!

Rule four. Drink plenty of water, get you’re your recommend 6 – 8 hours of sleep, and exercise. By combing these things with your study you’ll create a great balance that will ensure you will be on the path to success! Oh, but you can’t find any time for exercise? Or you neeeed to stay up till 2am to study? Ummm… no you don’t! Remember rule two! Make a timetable. You can incorporate these things into your timetable! Make exercise one of your study breaks and if you forget to drink water make some sticky notes or put hourly reminders in your phone. Drinking water not only hydrates you but helps with concentrating. Getting enough hours sleep also helps with concentration levels. So I know you’re not seven years old anymore, but make a bedtime. This way you have a set time, where all books shut and pens drop, for you need to get your beauty sleep so you can get the most of your timetable tomorrow!

Rule five. Because five rules makes it feel complete. If you’re really stuck and you feel like you have tried everything else, ask for help. Although this sounds very simple, it can be very effective. There are a ton of great resources out there.

So start your study timetables, drink your water and stress less. Hey, if it wasn’t for the last minute, nothing would get done!

– Bec

Gearing up for Exams

Nobody really wants to be reminded about exams yet. We’d rather close our eyes, stick our fingers in our ears and yell. But they’re coming, and there’s nothing we can do about it. The good news, though, is that you’re not alone. There are a bunch of services available to you leading up to exams that can help.
The PASS program has been running all semester, but there’s still time to rock up to a few final sessions to cement the content from the last few weeks. Better yet, though, is that PASS will be running special classes during the Wednesday of SWOTVAC. During that day, you’ll be able to find PASS classes to help prepare you for exams and build your study skills.
You can find more info at the PASS website.
The ASK service is there to help with all your academic enquiries. They can actually sit down with you and talk about note-taking, referencing, study or Game of Thrones. Okay, so not everyone on the ASK desk will be up to date with Game of Thrones, but they will be able to help with everything else.
You can visit the ASK desk at the top floor of the Albert Coates Complex (U building) between 10 – 2, Monday – Thursday. Take advantage of it and work on those study skills before Exams hit.
Here’s a message from our friendly pals at yourtutor:
It’s all well and good to know that you should be ‘studying’ – but what does that actually mean? How do you study? There isn’t a class for that! Fortunately, we’ve provided a handy guide below that outlines some top tips from A++ students and yourtutor.

Don’t forget that if you get stuck on a foundation knowledge question, you have access to a free expert tutor online who can help you work it out. Log in via Moodle and click on ‘yourtutor’, it’s as simple as that.

If ‘study’ and ‘library’ don’t go together as well as bacon and eggs then…you’re probably a vegetarian. But that doesn’t change the fact that the library has a wealth of facilities to help you out with the oncoming exams. Whether it’s a quiet study area, the tomes of knowledge (otherwise known as ‘books’) or the helpful librarians you’re after, all of them can be found here.
For more information on what the library offers and when they’re open, head to the library website here.
Also, if you want to really flesh out those study skills, you can get a head start for next semester by enrolling in FedReady just before semester 2 starts. Click here to take a look!

Kaniva College Study Session



Last Wednesday, a few SALs ran a session on study tips for Kaniva College. We dialled in via video conference to the classroom of the distant school (I still don’t know exactly where Kaniva is, only that it’s not close) and had the students get into groups, with group names from the illustrious ‘GI Joes and Army Hoes’ to the imaginative ‘Group 5’. The students then developed their own list of study tips and it was so awesome that we thought we’d share it with you guys. So, without further ado, I present a selection of tips from Kaniva College:

Give yourself a break

The idea of study breaks was a pretty popular one. Make sure that you don’t study for exorbitant stretches of time or you’ll burn out fast. Punctuate your study with small breaks. Or if you’ve got a week of study ahead, decide on a day or two to be study free.

Treat yourself

Rewards can work as a great motivator for study. If you’re struggling to get started, find something you want and reward yourself with it at the end. Sometimes, you can work effectively by breaking your tasks into small chunks with a small reward at the end. Lollies were a popular reward, but you can also use things like watching a TV show or buying the fifth season of The Bold & The Beautiful.

Listen to Hannah Montana

Yes, seriously. Well, not Hannah Montana specifically, but that was the Kaniva College recommendation. Listening to music can help you to study effectively. Just make sure it’s not too distracting.

Take care

Self- care is an important element of study. You’re not going to be able to ace an exam if you’ve had three hours sleep in the last four days. Eat and drink well, get plenty of sleep, exercise, and take time to wind down. There was even the fantastic suggestion of doing yoga, which ticks a couple of those boxes all at once.

Study space

Having a dedicated area for study can be a big help, especially if you can put yourself in total control of that space. Find a room or part of a room that you can take over, place a flag in it and proclaim it a study-only zone. By doing this, you get your brain into the habit of studying every time you sit there, and you’ll find your study effectiveness will be greatly amplified.

Time management

Almost all the above tips will benefit from time management; this skill can often make or break your study. By blocking your activities, you’re not only more likely to accomplish a certain amount of study, but you’re also more likely to get that much needed rest time that you need. Going as far as having a timetabled study plan can also help to reduce stress, as you can see that you’re going to get it done.

There were many, many more brilliant suggestions, and those are just some of the words of wisdom from Kaniva College. Hope it helped!

Final Grades

IMG_0585Care about your grades? Of course you do, you’re a hard working, committed and all-around star student! (Or at least, let’s pretend you are haha).
Hopefully by this stage you’ve gotten most of your grades back, and with exams currently underway I’m sure some of you are wondering what you need on your exam to get the grade you want! (Or need)

ASK the lords and they shall provide, what we’ve come across is this final grade calculator‘! (<- click this shiny hyperlink here)

What this actually does, is enter the grades you’ve gotten on previous assignments, and the % that grade contributed to your overall course grade, and it will let you know what grade you need to get on your exam to achieve your desired grade overall!

So example, if I got 80% on an assignment that was worth 40% of my course grade, my course grade overall would be 32%

That would mean that if the exam was worth 60% of the course grade, I would need to get 64% on the exam to get a course grade of 70.4 (Distinction woo!)

The calculator is really easy to use, and in case you missed the fabulous little hyperlink earlier, another one is riiiiight…..

(Click this ->) HERE  (<- Click here)

Good luck!
