MEWD: I wrote a list

Emma Foster - ASK Blog PicThings I have been unable to do in the last 48 hours due to my depression

  • Get out of bed on my own — if I didn’t have my husband by my side reminding me that I am capable of surviving the day, I would spend a LOT more of my time hiding from the day.
  • Anything that remotely resembles studying — I may have all the good intentions in the world, but that doesn’t help. The other morning I set myself up with my textbooks and my assignment notes. All I wanted to do was type up my handwritten notes and, as this doesn’t really require any higher level thinking, I thought I’d be okay. Ba-bown. When it came time to actually open my laptop, I just couldn’t do it.
  • Be on time — ask anyone and they’ll tell you that the chances of my arriving on time to ANYTHING are ridiculously low. Often, the reason behind this is that it takes a lot of effort to drag myself around the house and get ready. Depression puts me on a go slow, and oftentimes it takes away my willingness to be in public and interact with human beings (this is also due to my social anxiety)
  • Cook. Anything — I’m not a great cook at the best of times, but I can usually rustle up a curry or stir-fry, or something else fairly low-effort to feed myself and my partner. Not so lately. When it comes time for dinner preparation, I can’t think of a single thing to create, let alone work up the motivation to actually move and get that happening.

Continue reading MEWD: I wrote a list

Study Methods & Penguins

Emma Foster - ASK Blog PicLast semester, while I was working with the ASK service, I had a student ask me if the only way to study was reading through their textbooks and trying to rote learn everything. The short answer? Hells no.

There are probably as many different ways to study as there are people on the planet, or something exorbitant like that. The following are just a few different techniques that might help you along. Continue reading Study Methods & Penguins

MEWD: People Do Care

Emma Foster - ASK Blog PicSecond semester last year is when my depression started to really, seriously, and truly affect my studies. I could not tell you how many of my lectures and tutorials I attended that semester, but I can almost guarantee you that it was less than 40%. In all reality, it was probably more like 20–30%. This was a big deal for someone who only missed eight classes in total through first year. Continue reading MEWD: People Do Care

Student Interview: Grady

selfieCam here! Last Thursday afternoon I went out looking for a student to interview, and I ran into Emma on the ASK service and had a chat. Meanwhile, Grady walked past and Emma flagged him down (he attends her PASS sessions for Accounting). Grady is a 1st Year Bachelor of Business student at the Mt Helen campus. He kindly agreed to be interviewed, and it was great!

This is Grady's back. And Emma. Emma never misses a photo opportunity.
This is Grady’s back. And Emma. Emma never misses a photo opportunity.

Hi there Grady! Let’s get into the questions. With university in mind, where do you think you might want to be in 5 years? Continue reading Student Interview: Grady

MEWD: Busy but Useless

Sometimes my mind is as busy as this little bee:


It just goes and goes and goes and I can’t really keep track of my thoughts because there’s so many of them and they’re all making so much noise inside my brain.

You would think that being busy like a bee might be a good thing, because bees are productive little critters that make honey and pollinate flowers and go ‘bzzz bzzzz bzzzz’. Continue reading MEWD: Busy but Useless