Calling all new students, new to Churchill campus students and also students like me with bad memories. This is one blog you don’t want to miss. This is the most valuable piece of information you will receive about Federation University Churchill Campus, it is more important than breathing. Well, maybe not, but it is very important.
So you have arrived at the picturesque Churchill campus all fired up for university life; the smell of the freshly cut grass, the squelching of the new bag and books rubbing together on you back, the friendly greeting to fellow students. You make your way inside the buildings and then the walls get closer and closer as you realise you don’t know where your classroom is.
Ok, first off breathe normally, move to the side of the corridor out of the way of the amassing herd of people, and read this blog. There is light at the end of the tunnel and I am here to be your guardian angel, the one who makes it so clear you will be chomping at the bit to tell all your new friends about the classrooms and their codes.
Ok so Churchill campus is designed like a compass. North, South, East, and West obviously, I don’t know why I wrote that but oh well. Everyone on campus refers to the centre of campus as the Knuckle which is the open space with the spiral staircase and the really uncomfortable but comfortable-looking chairs. It’s a shame really because they could be sooo comfy but hey where was I, oh lost again.
The real middle point of campus is actually the 1W corridor near the old main entrance to the university. This is the point where the South Corridor, West Corridor and North Corridor join and it is also a great place to stop and have a look out over the lake and see the kangaroos and wild life on then 9 hole golf course that backs up to the university.
I hear you say well what about the East corridor, well I was just about to tell you and now because you have interrupted I won’t…… Oh ok I will, the East corridor comes off the Knuckle and is a very important corridor because at the end of this corridor is the famous auditorium where all FedUni exams are held. So I hope you are following and haven’t pulled out your phone to check Facebook…
So recapping the North and East Corridors are attached to the Knuckle and the West, North and South are attached at the middle of campus just 50m up the hall from the Knuckle along the walkway with all the glass windows overlooking the lake. Ok I hear you say but my classroom says 1N207 is this even English speak what does this mean.
Hey calm your beans they are jumping all over the place, it will all be revealed just after the ad break. Kidding, so the N,S,E,W corresponds to the North South East and West Corridors and the number in front corresponds to the building in that corridor. 1N is one-north building and then as follows: 1N-2N-3N-4N-5N, 1E-2E-3E, 1S-2S, 1W-2W-3W. It is great because all of these building are connected so you never have to go outside to get to another room. Awesome.
But that is only half the riddle solved what about the three numbers at the end of the room. Ok you are a pushy one aren’t you? Let’s break the three numbers into two sections, 2-07. The first number after the letter is the Floor number and the last two digits of the sequence is the room number. So 207 is floor 2, room 07.
So putting it all together like a jigsaw 1N207 refers to 1 North building floor 2, room 07. So hopefully I have unravelled this puzzle and you are confident in finding your way around the campus. There are campus maps available online and also in the diaries that we are given. There is also a massive map in the 1W corridor if you need it. The other option is to look for anyone wearing a PASS, Mentor or student ambassador t-shirt and say hi and ask for some help, as we are always wiling to help.
– Hayden