Hey there everybody. I’m Alisha, a Berwick student as well as student futures crazy. I am a mentor, PASS leader and SAL this semester.
So, it’s almost time for our mid-semester break. Also known as, two weeks of watching Netflix whilst eating too much junk food. Then having that guilty feeling in your stomach that you should be doing something a bit more productive. In my first semester at FedUni, I did just that. I maybe read one or two chapters of a textbook but that’s it. Then after the break I was swamped with assignment after assignment which caused me to come to uni at 9am then leave at 7pm each day.
I learnt from that mistake. Second semester I adjusted my time pretty well doing around half study and half chill. My after break shock wasn’t that bad this time. This semester break I want to do that again. I am a morning bird so I plan to study in the morning then chill later in the afternoon. I am also week 2 into a 12-week body transformation with exercise and meal plans. I hope I can keep it up this break and don’t slack off the hard work I’ve done so far.
Overall, I think it’s best for you to figure out what works for you. Do what you want this break but remember Uni assignments might come up and haunt you.
Have fun and do what you love this break!
Your Berwick Butterfly, Alisha