10 Things I Miss About Living on Res

Flying MaryI moved 430kms away from home in order to study the course I wanted to at FedUni. I only knew three other people in Ballarat and one of those was my sister. I obviously chose to live on campus as I had no friends and didn’t really know what Uni was all about. I am extremely glad I decided to live on Res, as it well and truly prepared me and continued to support me through my University life. I loved Res so much in my first year that I applied for a job as a Residential Advisor and continued to live on Res for the following two years. I honestly think that, without Res, I would not have enjoyed Uni anywhere near as much as I have. After living it up on Res for three years, I finally moved off this year to life in a house, but these are the main things I miss about living on Res: Continue reading 10 Things I Miss About Living on Res

Hang In There

As the end of semester draws near and the stress levels rise, if you’re anything like me you’ll be holding on by the tips of your fingernails. Complacency and exhaustion set in. You may have missed lectures in order to work frantically on that essay that is due tomorrow or just catch up on some much needed zzz’s and suddenly you’re well behind and feeling very overwhelmed…

Source: http://www.bigbrandsystem.com/why-try-and-why-hang-on/
Source: http://www.bigbrandsystem.com/why-try-and-why-hang-on/

Continue reading Hang In There

My Exploits with Depression (MEWD): An Introduction

Emma Foster - ASK Blog PicDepression is hard.

Like, really freaking hard.

Also? It sucks.

I have been attempting to write a post like this for the last seven months. I have written, and re-written, and scrapped countless drafts — all in my head, of course. As you can see, none of that practice has helped me to become particularly eloquent!

I have depression. In case you weren’t sure. In my case, it also currently comes with a (not-so) healthy side dose of anxiety.

Here are some facts about depression and anxiety in Australia:

  • Approximately 1 in 6 people will experience depression at some stage throughout their lifetime
  • About 1 in 4 will experience anxiety
  • Anxiety is the most common mental condition in the country
  • It’s estimated that 45 per cent of the nation will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime.

(Information courtesy of Beyond Blue: http://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts)

I am part of that 45 per cent. Have been since I was about sixteen. I didn’t realise it at the time; I thought I was just being a stroppy teenager with glandular fever. Retrospectively, however, I can see that it was much more than just your average teenage angst.

I made dis.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to be all ‘woe is me’ here, nor am I trying to be an attention seeker. Studying (living) with depression and/or anxiety is hard, and for those of you who also struggle with these demons, I’m just trying to say ‘Hey, you’re not alone.’ That’s all.

Everyone experiences these things differently. For me, it comes in bouts and stages. Like I said, it started when I was about sixteen, but it hasn’t been constant. It comes and goes, along with the stressors and triggers in my life. This latest bout has hit me pretty badly, and has seriously affected my studies. It’s also the first time I’ve had anxiety along with the depression, so that’s been another learning curve for me.

Lucky for me (and everyone studying at FedUni) the lecturers and support teams we have here are invaluable, and have helped me struggle though last semester, and begin limping into this one. I’ve had help from my schools undergraduate coordinator, the Student Advisory Service, and the Disability Liaison team, to name a few. All of them have been fantastic, and understanding, and they have put things in place that did help, and will continue to help me throughout my time studying here.

I think I’ll leave this post here for now, as I’m not really sure where I’m going with all this rambling. All going well, I’m hoping to write a few posts on my exploits with depression (or MEWD. Because that sounds like a cute noise a little kitty would make), just to give people some sort of insight into what depression can be like. Or something like that.




imageHelloooooooo my lovely little kittens!

Miss me? I bet you did. Today I am going to tell you all about a fairly wonderful little thing called yourtutor.

Firstly, if you do not know about yourtutor, then you have been missing out. But given we are down to the extremely sharp and horribly pointy end of the year, it may just be the best time for you to get on it.

Yourtutor is a tutoring service. Basically. BUT it is online. AND it is free for FedUni students. PLUS it is accessible late at night when all your tutors and lecturers have drifted off into a deep slumber, or are out drinking wine and partying to their heart’s content. Whatever it is those crazy kids do that means they don’t reply to our emails right when we need them the most — an hour before the assignment is due at midnight, or the night before your early morning exam. So that’s when yourtutor becomes the greatest friend a uni student could ever have.

They are accessible from 3pm-11pm every day of the week except Saturday (because they need to party and sleep sometimes too, friends), and you do not even need to put on pants or get out of bed to talk to them. Yep, sounds pretty great, right? Well, it is.

Yourtutor is made up of experienced tutors, who can help with anything from maths and science to English and grammar. They will help you with research, topic analysis, study tips, basically anything study related that you need help with. You can even upload your assignments for them to have a look over and give you some help. Yes, they are that good.

To access yourtutor you will find a banner on the home page of Moodle. You can find more information and a short video clip about it here.

So seriously, if you find yourself struggling with a question that just can’t wait until tomorrow, or an assignment that needs to be looked over before you submit it, log onto yourtutor and watch them work their magic*.


*Not actual real magic. They have unfortunately not been to Hogwarts. Well, not that they’ve told me anyway…

Check-in Week

Hey guys, it’s been three weeks since this semester began, and I hope you’re adapting well to your university life!  We’re now in the middle of Check-in Week at FedUni, from August 18th to August 22nd. There will be loads of activities on all campuses, such as PASS Sessions, Library Skills Workshop and fantastic FREE Breakfasts and Lunches! Check the timetable in case you miss out!


PASS stands for Peer Assisted Study Sessions. It is non-remedial and open to all students enrolled in the nominated courses. If you want to find friends in the same course to study together, PASS is a perfect place to go! There will be small study groups in PASS, and the sessions are really fun. A senior student leader will share his/her experience with you and that could be very useful for not only your study but also your uni experience. You can find if your course is available for PASS and the timetable of all PASS sessions online:


The Library Skills Workshops are free classes offered by the Library. The program aims to support first year students or new enrolled students making the transition from secondary school or work to university study. If you have any problem with referencing, researching or writing, enrol in a session! Timetables can be checked through the link below for all campuses:


There are many other services such as chaplaincy, counselling, disability support, scholarships, international support, leadership, clubs and societies available for you. Just go and check them out! If you still have problems, come to ASK for help!

– Lily